Taking Care of Yourself So You Can Keep Writing

May being Mental Health Awareness Month in 2021, it’s important to take care of yourself so you can keep writing.

It’s no secret that many of us struggle with mental health. It could be depression, lack of drive, anxiety, self doubt, or a million other aliments visible or otherwise that we as human beings face on a daily basis.

Being an author is no easy task and it comes with a fair amount of stress, and honestly, I feel it gets harder the longer you do it. Whether that’s because you learn more and therefore have more knowledge to apply to literally everything you do or the struggle of continuously trying to break through, I can’t say.

One thing is certain though, you need to practice self care.

In this video I discuss a few of the issues I face on a daily basis and how I try to overcome them.

Please note I am not a psychologist. Nothing mentioned in this video should substitute the advice of a licensed physician.

If you need help, please do everything you can to get it.

The National Suicide Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
